We went visiting today to our friends in Meath. They live in the most beautiful house (well that's a bit of an underexaggeration - more like a 4,000 sq ft palatial mansion really on a few acres overlooking rolling hills and horse filled fields). They have 3 young children under 4 and our two got on famously with them - best friends instantly. The neighbouring farm belongs to their family so we took a stroll down to see the newborn foal which was born yesterday. It was so beautiful but I couldnt get a photo as the mother was very protective over her newborn. Lucy didnt like the smell of the farm and made up a song on the way home as she sat on Ed's shoulders which went along the lines of 'smelly pig - smells disgusting' - pooh! I roared laughing when I heard her clever little ditty....
This is their beautiful baby Grace - what a little pixie she is...
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