...and I have the evidence to prove it! Last week Lucy (aged 3 1/2) turned to me out of the blue and announced this rather strange proclamation. I grilled her further 'What does that mean, pet?' and she declare 'cos I like chocolate the most in our family!'. Technically and factually she is incorrect as her father wins that title hands down but I thought she was rather funny to announce this. Then yesterday morning I was pottering about, picking up things and when I moved the sofa I stumbled across this display... Foolishly I had gotten up at 8am, set up their breakfast and went back to bed for a snooze - (well it was the bank holiday) trusting them to sit quietly and behave and here I find a big lump of chocolate log except it was half nibbled by a little mouse (called Lucy) and it's not even 9.30am! Seriously think she has a chemical addiction....
Today Ed spent the day setting up the new bunk beds. As predicted the estimated 1 hour assembly transpired into 6 but the man got there in the end and the little ones got to sleep in their new beds - eventually - the excitement was palpable! I think it was 11pm when Lucy eventually dropped off!

In the middle of all this assembly our good friends BJ and Elaine called by with their little guy Jack and I got some nice shots of him -hasn't he got the most amazing bluish/green eyes.
We spent the evening watching re-runs of Dallas on Sky with a nice bottle of vino - bliss! Just like the good old days...
You gotta laugh ;-)
Look at the shape of those eyes!!! Beautiful. And watch out Ed, Lucy's catchin' up!!!!
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