Today is the long awaited day that my good pal Niamh launches her first of course I had to mark the occasion. I used the invitation to her book launch which takes place next Wednesday (Yay... free champers!!!) to make this little card for her. We had such a giggle up at Borders today, checking out the position in store and then having lunch in Starbucks upstairs. I even made my own demented secret confession to her which of course I won't be sharing here (tee hee!!!). And no I'm not... before any assumptions are drawn...just a little in joke between us - right Niamh???!
I made Niamh this little necklace from some beads I received in a lovely swap with Elven on craft supplies - they were really Niamh's colours and she loved it (phew!).
I have devoured the book all day - beating my own personal record for reading a book and I have to say - and this is not a word of bias - it's the FUNNIEST read!!! Really it is...i'm not just saying it! If you are-
(a) a woman,
(b) have kids
(c) dont have kids but know someone who has kids
(d) have the remotist morsel of a sense of humour...
..I defy you not to giggle your way through this witty and sharp and I can't believe my little pal has been hiding her talent for so long. Go and read it - and then go buy it for your girlfriends...This lady is HOT! She has a great big book deal from Penguin so she's going to be around for a long time.,,,The bikini wax chapter had me rolling with laughter around the garden!

So... in the afternoon Linda and her gorgeous girls called down for a playdate and we spent a most pleasant afternoon in the garden enjoying this amazing unseasonal sunshine, crafting our little hearts out while the girls went on a 'hunt though the jungle looking for wild animals' (yep they really did!). Honestly their little imaginations are phenomenol (sp?) - who needs SKY+ when you are 3 and 6 and forced out to the garden to play.

They went to the toy room, brought down all the cuddly toys and then placed them in our big tree at the back of the garden and pretended to go on a bear hunt etc etc. I took lots of photos as it was hilarious watching them discussing the dead animal pile (that bit was a bit freaky I have to admit!). Poor 2ft tweety pie was found dangling from a branch by the neck...

Oh I love days like this....Afterwards I was eating my dinner out on the patio and I spotted Lucy having a quiet moment eating a bowl of chicken pieces and talking to her Barney who was singing away. She was all in a little world of her own completely surrounded by her teddies and cuddlies and I had to get a photo as it was priceless!

Isn't my baby such a cutie... {{{{wubs}}}}
I got an e-mail today that it was available to buy. Will keep my eyes peeled for it!
Enjoyed reading this and love all you photos. Must get that book tomorrow for my Holidays.
Barbie dresses on the clothes line is PRICELESS!!!!!! Looking forward to reading the book....
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