..And the boys from WESTLIFE certainly did last night at The Point! For the past ten years I have been waiting patiently to have a daughter old enough to bring to a boy band concert and last night my wish came true. My friend Niamh and her little girl Caoimhe came with us and we had such a great night. We had second row seats and enjoyed a bird's eye view of the boys and I swear Cian was singing 'You raise me up' right at me as he was winking at me all night Haha! Sorry Niamh hun ...but it was me and not you!!!! The kids had a ball but really it was all for the mums last night!
Here's some shots of the guys in action...My goodness young Cian looks divine in a white suit!
My claim to fame on Westlife is around 8 years ago I was working in a pharmaceutical company and I ran a PR event for some of the children's hospitals. 50 kids were nominated to go on a flight the week before Christmas to fly to the 'Northpole'. Actually it was a night time round trip to Mayo and back but the kids were none the wiser. Half way through the flight the captain announced that there was some extra-terrestial activity and he made the plane shake a little. Next thing Santa arrives out of the cockpit with pressies for everyone etc. It was a fab night - all the kids were mesmorised by the whole thing. Anyway one of the little girls picked from Tallaght hospital (Tammy) wrote to me to say how happy she was to be picked but was advised not to go as she has cystic fibrosis and had developed MRSA.
I felt so gutted for her so I asked our PR company if they could do anything to help. I phoned her and she told me she was a huge WESTLIFE fan so I got a hold of Louis Walsh's mobile number and chanced getting in touch. They sent me the biggest parcel of signed CD's, sweaters, books and posters and a personalised letter for the little girl. I was so impressed with them - such a great bunch of lads. We went out to Tallaght hospital on the day that she missed the flight and presented her with the parcel of Westlife goodies and a stereo. I still have the thank you card she sent me - I often wonder whatever happened to her as she would be 16 or 17 now...
Anyways..here are the yummilicious boys...
And here's the gorgeous girlies reunited after 4 months of being apart. Best pals forever...
Really enjoyed the girlie night out with my little girl :-) (***wubs***)
"We gotta little world of our own"...la la la!!!! It was a FAB night - thanks so much for organising it Lainey!! BUT I'm sorry, Kian was smiling at ME not you, in fact he gave me a very special wink and a nod....xxxx
Lainey, what a fantastic story about the boys. They have shot waaaaaay up in my estimation now (I secretly sing along on the radio!!! Ssssh) Looks like ye had a great time.
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