Tomorrow I depart for a weekend of crafting at 'Crafteire'. I'm as excited as Eva looks in this photo taken yesterday when we painted in the garden. Crafteire is the highlight of the Irish crafting calendar and if last year was anything to go by it's gonna be brilliant. There's classes back to back for 2 days, dinners, competitions and some celebrity scrappers coming not to mention THE SHOPPING! I'm teaching one of the first classes on Saturday so it's great to have it done early in the day. Trying to stay composed but I just cant wait for tomorrow! I nearly have all my jobs and projects completed - the hardest part is the packing -what to leave behind as I want to bring my craftroom but I know I'll probably make nothing as there will be too much chatting and shopping going on! Did I mention the shopping????
Anyway, we've had such a great spell of good weather these past few weeks - kinda freaky for April. The kids have been soaking up the sun in the garden. Got some good shots of them over the past week...
We had a lovely picnic last week with typical picnic fayre- eh ...rice krispies, popcorn, cream crackers and fruit. They were dying to try out their new picnic basket and took delight in pouring me continuous 'cups of tea' which had a strange orange juice flavour LOL! Still it was a nice moment sitting in the sun having chats with these two imaginative little girls...
Eva is looking cool here in her new t-shirt which we designed together last week. Finally found a practical use for my 3D paints. Oh yeah...the two little blue dots at the bottom are Lucy's fingerprints - she hadnt the patience to wait for it to dry. Now why am I not surprised ....
Yesterday in typical Lucy fashion- she decided to paint her hands black. Eva meticulously decorated a box with paint - lots of geometric shapes and stripes - flawless detail as always. Lucy however decided to go for the more organic form of expression - which continued in the bathroom when we tried to wash it all off. Now I have black bathroom towels and black fixtures! How my two girls differ and I try to remind myself daily to embrace it and not worry about the mess! Today the only trace of this expression is her little black nails...
Better sign off and finish my projects for tomorrow. As I type Lucy is standing behind me giving me a 'hair do'. Lets hope my missing craft scissors doesn't ressurect itself suddenly - she is the chief suspect...
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