Just home from a wonderful weekend of pampering at Adare Manor. Friday was really exciting as we packed the kids off to my mums and got into the car to start the mystery tour. When we swung by the airport I have to admit that my little heart sank as the destinations I had planned and envisioned, got scratched off the list. So then it was the M50 to the N7 and I still hadn't the foggiest. Eventually 3 hours later after a swift turn off the roundabout at Limerick I started to put it together but it still wasn't confirmed until he swung into the impressive avenue of Adare Manor. I was so excited - had to restrain the emotions as I was like a child doing that flipper clapping thing that you do when you are happy. Well you would do too if you turned the corner and saw this beautiful building...

From the moment we arrived the staff were all over us like a rash - I've never experienced anything like the service. It's a place of total luxurious pampering - will never forget it. Ed booked me into the spa on Saturday morning for 2 hours which was total bliss.

Afterwards we took a trip up to the pretty village of Killaloe on the Shannon and pottered around - having a lovely home-cooked lunch and watching the boats go by. We wandered into St Flannan's Oratory and Cathedral which is so old and eerie you can sense the history in the graveyard. An old man was practicing on the cathedral organ and it was mesmirising to just stand there and listen to him.

Then last night we had dinner in the Michelan star Oak Room at the hotel (6 courses! gasp!) and then downstairs for a fabulous sing song with the resident pianist until 3am.
What a weekend - back to porridge tomorrow!
Lucky lucky you- and well deserved. Sounds like it was heavenly.
Delighted you both had such a great time! Well Done Ed - is he giving lessons? Can I sign Joe up????
Aw how romantic!! Great to hear you had a ball!
Wow, love Adare Manor, sounds like you had an amazing time, and trully deserved!
oh i envy you.
im delighted you had such a brill weekend.
well done to ed, thats a super surprise!!
do you know i spent many summers as a child playing with lady anna dunraven in adare manor?
that was of course before it was a hotel.
the cottage beside the main entrance to the manor grounds was my grannys! thats where my mum lived and we spent many wonderful holidays there.
the tour buses used to stop outside and beg us to let them take their photos. my granny used say "quick, go outside, the yanks are coming".
and we'd get paid in the form of sticks of rocks and silver dollars!!
i rekon my pic is on quite a few sideboards across america!!
Aah Lainey sounds like you had a fabulous time. I'm so glad ye enjoyed yourselves. What a lovely surprise:-)
wow that is sooooooooo romantic, nice catch 10 years ago girl lol
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