Sunday, December 03, 2006

An audiance with Take That live...

Did anyone see them last night. It brought me back to July when we went to see them at the RDS and they were just amazing on tour... The entire audience spent the night dancing on their seats. They seem like such a nice bunch of lads still having the time of their lives...

Wow what a stormy day out there. I went up to Borders to redeem my 20% voucher and I sorted some Christmas presents out. Getting through my list now...Once the Late Late Toy Show has been aired the panic buying in the shops is palpable. I couldnt get a car space at 11.2oam! I'm heading into to the frenzy of Smyths just once tomorrow with my list and that's it -the rest of it will be made or done online! Every year I swear I won't be sucked into commercialism but you find yourself in the same ques every December... Still it's worth it when you see their little faces on the 25th. :-)