So having a lazy day - the kids came back from the overnighter and party and are just pottering around the house colouring in Dora the Explorer print outs. I'm going to try and get some CJ's done today (promise to Isobel!). I made this LO for Scrapwest on Friday and I was really happy with it as they are some of my fav baby photos with mum. She was delighted when I gave it to her yesterday. That's why I love scrapbooking - these photos were up to recently decaying away in one of those nasty plastic albums in my mum's wardrobe and now I can do something creative with them and tell a story for my girls...The only frustrating thing is there's not enough time to get through the millions of photos that I have in my possession!
Anyway enough about that - must get some scrappin' done! Happy Mother's day to all - hope everyone is getting spoilt rotten!